I picked the paladin class to reflect my previous choice when I originally played, but would be smart enough to know not to try and level with the holy specialization this time, for my own sanity. I could feel that tingle of lore inspiring me again as I began questing, took in the familiar ambiance, and even found the posh complaints of my character telling me he didn’t have enough mana to be comforting.

That’s when I remembered the darker side of the people I loved and their trapped Naaru they were feeding off of. I looked over the gorgeous lands, impeccable architecture, stunning clothes, and just took in all of the colors and lush environments, right up to The Dead Scar. I rewatched the opening cutscene, felt a tiny chill, and listened to the narrator tell me about the blood elves and their addiction to magic. Finally, I put on my best 2007-ish techno playlist that I used to jam with while doing PVP and went to town on grinding. I waited a couple of days to let people level out of the areas I’d be hitting up. Most importantly, I didn’t start right when TBC Classic went live on June 1. I also didn’t download any addons to help with my progression, because I didn’t use them back then. Instead of bringing over a WoW Classic character I had been working on, I’d start brand new.

This seemed like a smart decision because those areas had to be less occupied with the new content so full, right? So this time around, I did the same thing. When the original TBC launched I rushed to the new zones only to realize they were overcrowded and difficult to navigate, so I decided that I’d just start with a fresh character, a blood elf. I made a few decisions before starting to make sure this experience was right and truly classic. I held out for as long as I could, fought the urges, but the call to fight was too strong and The Burning Crusade Classic gripped me once again, but would it be the same? I was ready for Outlands, no matter what Illidan said, I was prepared. It’s the first one where I was there from the beginning, hooked already, eager to approach the new zones, and actually armed with the abilities and knowledge of how to conquer them. The Burning Crusade is my favorite expansion. There was that rush to reach level 58 so I could join my friends in the extended content and I loved the new races. I began playing the game in Vanilla, just before the Naxxramas update started. Don’t misunderstand, I was an avid player for many years and devoted way more time than I care to admit into building up these characters, especially around the release of this first major content update. I just haven’t been into World of Warcraft like I once was.